Kumandra: the path towards world peace and Shamballah

Kumandra: the path towards world peace and Shamballah

As I watched the wonderful Disney movie called Raya and the last dragon, I was reminded of the mission to bring world peace and Shamballah. I have always dreamt of a world based on the foundation that all humans are unified through their pure expressions of who they are and in fact, that our unique individuality is celebrated. My heart opened so deeply watching this movie because it is a pure example of where we currently are on this planet. Basically because of fear, greed and separation, a plague is born from these negative emotions of humans which turns them into stones. The only thing that repels or fights this plague is the Magick of Dragons, those of whom are nearly extinct from the world. It’s an incredible adventure of one warrior’s journey to trust the hearts of other humans, which brings back Magick, the Dragons and ultimately a unified world called Kumandra. It is a must watch.


Call me crazy but I believe world peace is possible. I know and have seen the goodness of the human heart. My husband used to say that I was naive to trust everyone, that they would end up hurting me in the end....and while in some cases that has been true, in all cases I have learned so much about myself. When I was little, I would dream of Shangri La and visiting it one day. To me it was not my imagination but an actual place on this planet and now I know it is one of the ancient mystery schools. I listen to John Lennon’s “Imagine” and feel deep hope in my soul that it is only a matter of time before we all remember the truth... the truth being we are all one.  And yet, as a collective we have forgotten this divine truth, living amongst each other as if we have amnesia. What has caused us to become so confused, detached and distracted?


The short answer to that question is Opinions.  These ideas or constructs of the mind bring about separation, which leads to judgments and even further, separation.  Typically, what I have seen, is that I ONLY judge in you what I judge in myself and that keeps US from growing and learning from one another.  However, the truth is we are one and the same, coming from the same spark of the divine, just expressing differently.  Until we as a collective begin to celebrate each other’s unique individual expression, separation will continue. 


As we look deeper in this concept, we can see that most of us humans are just afraid.  We are afraid to not only accept what we don’t understand in others, but also ACCEPT our GREATNESS and INDIVIDUALITY!  It is super ok to be different, in fact its amazing because if we were all the same, wouldn’t that be a boring life?  As humans we have different flavors, energies, cultures, and expressions to share; we must not be afraid to own the divine nature within because without that difference, Humans would not be HUMANS at all. 


“We can tear each other apart or we can build another world, together. “


So, with a bit more understanding of the why this separation has been happened, lets explore how to get back to the oneness of UNITY. We must remember the innocence of the heart. The innocence of the child just like Jesus spoke of. Without opinions and judgments handed down to us from our parents, friends and society. How does one do that? Inner child work…being Vulnerable and Authentic? Yes, this will bring hope and faith. This is good because we are all gods and goddesses in our own right.  One of the Keys to this for me has been to receive regular healing work to raise my vibration out of the muck that opinions can bring to our energy.  Meditation is also effective because when I can reach a place of stillness and inner peace, that will reflect out in my life.  A great tool I use in the Sanctuary Meditation Technique to meet with my inner child and take time to listen to what she is feeling.  If you are interested in learning about this technique, feel free to contact me…we can build a relationship with your Higher Self and Inner Child together.  Because we are a team….a TEAM of HUMANS reaching beyond our Judgments and Opinions. 


World Peace is possible, World Peace is Inevitable. I have hope that we as a collective can move out of this energy and dynamic and step into something new, the New Paradigm, SHAMBALLAH!  All it takes is a bit of courage and an open heart.  Much love to you all!

Megan Davenport, GUIDE, RM


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