The Modern Mystery School Path of Progression

This method of the progression of an individual utilizes foundational growth - each step of this path builds on the foundation of the previous step. This is to better ensure the individual can integrate the energetic components garnered therein. Each step unlocks the mysteries within our being using sacred keys (the ‘k’ in how we spell ‘Magick’) and therefore each step is necessary in order to move through this sacred process responsibly.

The first step of this path is the Life Activation, a 120 minute one-on-one session with one of our practitioners.

From here, it is recommended to attend Empower Thyself, then the pre-requisite classes we offer at Lumina prior to Healers Academy:
- Sacred Geometry I
- Astral Travel I
- Journeys of the Spirit
- 12 Root Races

The above classes can be attended by anyone, however only after having completed Empower Thyself is one able to enrol in the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension Program (which is not a pre-requisite for Healers Academy).

After having completed the four pre-requisite classes, you are able to attend Healers Academy, then move forward either on the Path of the Healer or the Path of the Warrior (Ritual Master).

Further information on Healers Academy, Universal Kabbalah Ascension Program and the Ritual Master path.

Lumina works with the teachings and trainings of the Modern Mystery School. We are able to offer our community a multitude of trainings, classes and healings. All of our offerings at Lumina can be found here. For all of the very many offerings of the Modern Mystery School, please visit their website.