Alchemy 101

Alchemy is an ancient practice focused on the attempt to transform base metals into gold and to find a universal cure for disease and create an elixir of life. It is also seen as a mystical power or development of the soul. Alchemy is typically seen as a protoscience, a philosophical tradition, and a spiritual practice that combines elements of chemistry, religion, and philosophy.

Spiritual alchemy is the process of transforming one’s mental, spiritual, and physical aspects into a higher vibrational existence. It applies principles and practices of metaphysics to help individuals achieve greater self-awareness and inner power. This includes techniques such as meditation, visualization, crystal healing, energy work, chakra work, astrology, and alchemy symbols. The aim of this practice is to discover one’s greater potential and release spiritual blocks that may be holding one back from achieving a more connected and enliightened state.

1. Become aware of the power of your thoughts and feelings. Understand that they create your circumstances and shape your reality, and that the power of positive thinking can be transformative.

2. Practice daily meditation, visualization and mindfulness to cultivate an inner peace and stillness.

3. Nurture joy and gratitude for all the blessings in your life. Make a daily practice of acknowledging the good in your life and how far you have come.

4. Use self-reflection to identify patterns and underlying causes of negative emotions such as anger, guilt and fear and then shift your perspective on them and press the reset button. Take conscious steps to forgive yourself and others for any wrongs you may have committed in the past.

5. Exercise faith in the spiritual realm and put your trust in a loving, power greater than yourself.

6. Be open to receive the love and wisdom of Spirit through prayer, spiritual guidance and mentorship

These are some helpful ways to expand in your life and work with spiritual alchemy. In my personal experience one of the greatest ways to awaken inner alchemy and true magick is the holy ascension program of Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah. This tradition and study truly activates our innate divine potential through connection with the DNA and Tree of Life. Alchemy must come from a pure source with Lineage in tact, opening the door to deep transformation. For more information on this, please contact me.

Megan Davenport

Senior Guide, RM


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