Tips on Creating your YOU-NIVERSE!!!

I went to the lake today and went kayaking with my husband and what I discovered while I was on the lake was that any time a boat would go by, no matter how far it was away from me, it would still rock my kayak.  There was even one point that I thought I was going to tip over… All from the Ripple on top of the lake from a boat many distances away from me.  This made me think about how ripples are created which then spread out all over the universe, specifically my personal universe.   How much are my ripples affecting other people? Am I even aware of the ripples that I’m creating?


Before this experience, I wasn’t even aware of the ripples that were created when boats in a lake or a pond raced by. When I think of meditation and the quiet pond of Buddha, I am reminded that even a small rock can disturb the quiet and the stillness of the pond. This can be compared to our thoughts in the world. If we believe in the metaphysical concept of thoughts create things or the hermetic principle all is mind, then we can gain a greater grasp of how magick is made manifest in our lives.  However, are you aware of what you’re thinking?


I know when I began my spiritual journey I had no concept of my thoughts and how much I was thinking in a moment. I had tons of anxiety; fears, worries, and trauma that kept me from being quiet inside and this would ripple out to my physical world.  I lived very chaotically, was never organized and couldn’t be on time to anything.  It was so frustrating but seemed like this endless cycle of mental over stimulation with no end in sight.  It wasn’t until I found a daily spiritual practice with regular healing work that I was able to quiet the mind and reach a place of inner peace.


I think this is a key to creation; are your thoughts based on joy, harmony, love and fulfillment or “the other things”?  Just like the ripples on the lake created a response everywhere around us - so do my thoughts create a ripple in my life and then I experience it as such.  YOU are the creator of your life and your world!!!!  If you do not like what you have created…change the thoughts and the ripples!  REMEMBER- ALL IS MIND based on Hermetic principle. 


This is also true about the ripples I create in other peoples lives!!  What are you thinking about them?  Are you judging them or holding space for their greatness?  Most recently the biggest thing I have been using is that we are all doing the best that we can.  The truth is, we are all struggling in some form or fashion and most humans just want to find a sense of peace and fulfillment of joy.  It is my personal mission to help others with that.  Relatability is key here, as we are all just walking each other home.  Love is the greatest answer.


Emerson Quote: Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. 


Going deeper, what are some points to help the thoughts quiet down and reach a state of positivity rather than subconscious negativity? The key to this is to increase the connection with the Higher Self instead of living from negative Ego. How do we do that?  Like I said above from my own personal experience, I needed a daily spiritual practice which included Ritual work, meditation and regular healing modalities.  The first thing that started my spiritual journey was the Life Activation Modality which turned on my potential and then I received the tools to fulfill that potential in the Empower Thyself Class.  For more information on those, please see the links below. 

Empower Thyself — Lumina

Activations — Lumina


We are all masters of our Universe, creators of our world and can create it from a place of love and joy.  To begin that practice, start becoming aware of your thoughts by practicing mindfulness.  Start taking moments everyday to check in with yourself, how you’re feeling and observing your surroundings.  Pay attention to the details, utilize all your senses and this will help you to be more present in the moment and experiencing the now.  And that is where joy and peace are found. 

Much love to you all-

Megan Davenport






How Exercises Calm Your Anxious Thoughts