How Exercises Calm Your Anxious Thoughts

Throughout history humanity has consistently had to battle against anxiety. There are many factors that cause anxiety. Genetics, environmental factors, and brain chemistry are among the leading culprits. The medical community believes the only way to treat anxiety is through psychotherapy and medication. SOme people believe the best way to improve mental health is to improve one's physical health.

Overcoming a perceived obstacle is a major part of overcoming anxiety. When somebody works out he or she starts pushing themself beyond the limits they have created in their mind. The "athlete" begins to realize he or she is physically capable of much more than the mind initially believes. The physical rewards are secondary to the mental rewards from working out.

The confidence gained from knowing how to overcome an obstacle is the missing factor to help overcome anxiety. Crippling anxiety is caused from fear and self doubt. Knowing and believing the obstacle is not insurmountable is the start of working through the problem. There is nothing that cannot be overcome!!

Anxiety has been shown to reduce dramatically with only exercising 30 minutes a day three days a week! Interestingly enough, the more intense the workout is, the more anxiety has been shown to decrease. The power of believing in yourself is the key ingredient to overcoming anxiety. Consistent diet and exercise is a building block to manage anxiety and creating the life you want to live.

Mitchell Davenport


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