Spiritual Money Matters

The concept of spiritual money is one that has gained popularity in recent years as more and more people have started to explore the idea of living from a place of alignment with their spiritual values. The idea behind spiritual money is that money is a form of energy, and it should be treated with reverence, allowing it to flow freely through our lives. It is believed that when we treat money with respect, appreciate it for what it can do for us, and use it responsibly, it will bring us greater abundance and joy.

One way to start practicing spiritual money concepts is to create a budget that reflects your true values and goals. Make sure to include items that are meaningful to you, such as charitable giving, investments, or learning new skills. Also, take time to regularly review how you are spending your money, so that you can make adjustments if needed. Another way to be mindful of your money is to thank it for being in your life. Acknowledge the Value it brings to your life, and DO NOT BE AFRAID OF MONEY!! This tends to stop the flow of receiving and we need to be a receptacle for the flow to come into our lives from above.

Spiritual money concepts often involve looking beyond the surface level of money and understanding it within a spiritual context. This can mean taking a holistic approach to money, valuing it not as a means of measuring success or as something to be idolized, but rather recognizing it as a tool that can be used to serve the highest good. It can also involve releasing attachment and negative thoughts associated with money and instead creating a positive energy and intention behind the use of it. Additionally, spiritual money concepts usually involve aligning your finances with your values, believing that what you spend your money on is a reflection of what you prioritize in your life. Lastly, spiritual money concepts often involve trusting the abundance of the universe, being open to receive and give money freely, and being more mindful with money and valuing it as an exchange of energy.

1. Live with an abundance mindset—Focus on the abundance of money and resources you already have, rather than feeling like there’s never enough. Make sure to affirm and thank the universe for all of your blessings.

2. Practice Gratitude—In addition to having an attitude of gratitude for your current income and resources, it's also important to express gratitude in your daily life. Whether it's through keeping a gratitude journal or writing affirmations, expressing gratitude for even the smallest things in life can be extremely powerful.

3. Give Generously—Giving your time, energy, money, or resources to another can be a heavenly returning gift. Not only will it bring joy to the receiver, but in the long run it can often come back as a blessing financially, emotionally, physically, or spiritually.

4. Visualize Abundance —Visualize monetary abundance and make sure to create a vision board filled with images of financial success.

These are keys to include into your daily practice to help you achieve an appropriate relationship with money and remove lack mentality. Take steps, even if small steps towards accepting and allowing this new relationship in your life. Remember that in most situations of lack mentality there is a component of Unworthiness playing out in real time and in old negative patterns you may not even be aware of. Etheric Reconstruction Healing work can help with letting some of these old structures and patterns go. Reach out to me for more details on that. Until then, I wish you well on the journey towards true Wealth and Prosperity.

Megan Davenport

Senior Guide, RM


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