Empowered Empathic Living

Being an empath is the ability to have the capacity to feel and recognize the emotions, energy, and essence of other people and the environments around them. Empaths have a heightened sense of perception and are sensitive to what others may be feeling or thinking, making them naturally powerful healers and often excellent listeners.

Empathy is the ability to be aware of the feelings and emotions of another person and to have an understanding of their situation. Many people struggle to empathize because they are too focused on their own perspective. However, being an empath means that you can recognize how someone else is feeling and can be more understanding and supportive. Being an empath can be both a blessing and a challenge, and it is important to learn how to be an empowered empath in order to maintain balance in your life.

Being an empowered empath is about taking control of your empathic abilities and using them in positive, conscious, and creative ways. It means owning your gifts and using them to make a positive impact in the world, while also protecting your energy and setting boundaries with those around you.

Some tips for being an empowered empath include:

1. Practice Self-Love and Self-Care – One of the best ways to be an empowered empath is to practice self-love and self-care. Taking care of yourself and your mental wellbeing is essential for being an effective empath. Taking time out of your day to practice daily habits that make you feel good, such as yoga, meditation, or journaling, will help to strengthen your empathy and give you the emotional energy to be an effective listener.

2. Practice mindfulness and self-awareness. Take care of yourself by staying aware of your own emotions and how they relate to those around you.

3. Work on your boundaries. Set healthy boundaries with those around you in order to protect your energy and keep yourself feeling strong.

4. Seek out positive energy. Surround yourself with people and environments that fuel your energy and support your growth.

5. Don’t be afraid to say no. Don’t let anyone take advantage of your empathic abilities. It’s okay to say no if something doesn’t feel right.

Think of your ability to be Empathic as a super power!! This approach will create opportunities for growth and help you to see it as an asset and not a liability. The world actually needs more empathy and compassion so capitalize on the skill to connect with others and truly build healthy relationships from an empowered state. I am also very empathic and have only become burnt out when I wasn’t saying no, keeping healthy boundaries and my self-care was lacking. Utilize these tools and also any rituals that you may have received from Empower Thyself program as they bring immense empowerment.

Megan Davenport

Senior Guide, RM


Connecting with Love


Healing Trauma