Connecting with Love

AHHHHH, the elusive force of Love. It is truly a force of creation and is one of the essential needs for the human body to survive and thrive. But how do we receive love? What ways do we give love? What is love?

There is no simple answer to this question as it depends on multiple factors such as your personality and the way you interact with people. It is important to understand each person’s individual “love language’’, and the ways in which love is best expressed for them, so that you can give them the type of love they will recognize and appreciate. Understanding the five love languages and how each one is expressed can help you to better identify which language of love you should give. Some helpful resources to learn more include Gary Chapman's book "The Five Love Languages", or the free quiz on his website.

The 5 languages of love, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, are:

1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Receiving Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch

Love is a wide range of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. It can encompass platonic, familial, and romantic forms of love. It can also refer to a strong attraction and personal attachment to a person, thing, or activity. Love is a fundamental human experience that has been the topic of countless books and songs. There is even a day of the year that is dedicated to the expression of love called Valentine’s Day and is celebrated in many cultures.

What I can tell you about love is that it is typically the driving force all things that move and flow on the planet. Love is like the salve that nourishes the burning heart, love is what gives food taste and offers the flavor of deep human experience, love is what makes the intangible made manifest in the physical, love is the flame of the lantern dispelling darkness from the path of knowledge. It is so much more than how or what we express, its actually how we live, what drives the body so we may feel alive. Embracing all the senses, remembering divinity and being grateful for every interaction with all things in each moment. Living love would be the pure Now, the true experience of Mindfulness in all its forms… Acknowledging that we are all one.

Of course there are other forms of love, I do not feel the same energy of love for my Mother In Law as I do for my husband, but love is still vibrationally the highest energy to create and manifest with. This is key with ourselves as well and most times that is where we lack the most. It is very hard to attract a partner if you lack the ability to love oneself as you are the key to all creation in your life. I understand that its difficult to be alone when you are lacking connection with a partner, however true divine union must come from within first before its created in the outer world.

One of the keys I offer to people that are seeking greater love in their life is to begin to heal and forgive if they did not receive love the way they needed; basically integrating deep inner child work. Most times we approach partnership with the same perspective as the inner child and that can play out in destructive ways instead of being a healthy relationship. We must do “the work” of healing and releasing so that new and beautiful patterns can be shared for a solid foundation of the relationship. Relationships of all kinds take tremendous commitment, desire and even a sparkle of magick sometimes for continued growth on both sides. This also applies to family and friends as well. Remember in most cases of disagreement or disenchantment, lack of communication is the issue. Which begs the question, are you listening to YOU??

I can talk for weeks about this topic as it is my favorite topic of all the energies and magicks on the planet, but I will leave you with this. Do not ever be afraid to ask for love. From anyone, your friends family colleagues or the like. Love may just be a conversation so you can process something or it could be fishing with your pals on a day off. Use your voice to ask for what you need and don’t give up even if rejection comes into play. Everyone deserves love and we mostly suffer without love because we do not know how to ask for it or are afraid of rejection or afraid that we are not worthy. All of these are lies of the mind, and when you can reach the 13 inches down below to the heart and feel…you remember the divine truth and the Heart will guide you always.

May you have a lovely Valentine’s Day xoxoxoxoxox

Megan Davenport

Senior Guide, RM


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