Sacred Geometry
Healing Series


It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Crystal Healing

A healing session using the vibrational energy of crystals placed at specific points to address a variety of issues such as emotional, mental and physical discomfort, time management and many others

1 hr | $100

Crystal Healing Rites

Receive healing via chanting ceremonial rites for wounding of the past or to bring in good fortune

1 hr | $100

Soul Fire Infusion -
Sacred Geometry V

Reignite the passion within and feel the essence of the Soul

1 hr | $350

Core Will Infusion -
Sacred Geometry VI

Become fully aligned with your purpose and GODs will in this very holy sacred modality

1 hr | $350

Sacred Geometry VII

You are placed in a direct tube of energy from Archangel Michael

1 hr | $350