Empower Thyself Workshop and Initiation Program

Who Am I?

The Empower Thyself Class is a two day workshop centered on the answer to the question: Who am I? In Empower Thyself we seek-out the truth of this divine statement which is above all doorways into the temple of God : Know Thyself!

You will experience pure energy from source with the tradition of handing down from teacher to student from an intact Lineage that is 3000 years old. This lineage is from King Salomon himself and holds within it divine knowledge and truth. You will be taught about the origins of creation, specific rituals and meditations that help to connect with and wield energies of the You-niverse, basic Kabbalah, and higher keys of Existence. The idea of this class is that we do not teach you ABOUT the subject, who am I, we teach you THE SUBJECT.

What kinds of benefits will I receive from this course?

  • Greater ability for financial Abundance and Manifestation.

  • Direct connection with The Hierarchy of Light.

  • Skilled guided/active meditations to connect with your Higher Self and other Masters of Light.

  • Active moving meditations like Chi-gong to help with stillness of mind and body.

  • Greater authority to wield and move energies for Creation in your life and the greatest Good of all.

  • Purification from the blockages that have held you back from your Divine potential.

  • Clarity around your life Purpose and how to fulfill it.

  • Opens doorways for more loving and joyful Relationships in your life.

  • And most importantly, 10 times more light anchored within you.

What does 10 times more light truly mean??? Greater authority to wield the powers of the universe; basically, it is like being ten people praying and having ten times the power to be who you divinely are and express in that way...as a creator of your YOU-NIVERSE.

This class is the first step to remembering and awakening to the God/Goddess whom dwells within all of us. And with that knowledge, we live in purposeful experience to attain understanding and wisdom.

Energy exchange : $1200 includes manual and MMS registration with student number